

Admissions Counselor
Northern New Jersey/NYC 2022-Present

Admissions and Recruitment Practicum Intern
Vermont 2019-2021

Higher Education Practitioner
Albany, New York/Vermont/Northern New Jersey/NYC 2016-Present

Community Organizer/Activist
Northern New Jersey/NYC 2016-Present

Advanced Facilitator of Group Dialogues
The Pennsylvania State University 2014-2016



Currently enrolled in Quantum Ripple Effect Certification

Master of Education (MEd) in Higher Education Student Affairs Administration
The University of Vermont 2018-2021


Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Psychology Sociology Minor
The Pennsylvania State University 2012-2016

Mic Check? Mic Check! Amplifying Our Voices

The Vermont Connection

Bocado, K. (2020). Mic Check? Mic Check! Amplifying Our Voices. The Vermont Connection, 41(1). https://scholarworks.uvm.edu/tvc/vol41/iss1/12

Get in the Cypher and in the Groove, A Call to Action, What’s the Move, APIDA for Black Power, Community Organizing, The Future is Ours

The Vermont Connection

Bocado, K. (2021). Get in the Cypher and in the Groove, A Call to Action, What’s the Move, APIDA for Black Power, Community Organizing, The Future is Ours. The Vermont Connection, 42(1). https://scholarworks.uvm.edu/tvc/vol42/iss1/4

Show and Tell: The Roots of Our Farm Shall Be Nourished

The Vermont Connection

Bocado, K. N. (2023). Show and Tell: The Roots of Our Farm Shall Be Nourished. The Vermont Connection, 44(1).

POV: Working in Admissions During the Ruling on Affirmative Action

The Vermont Connection

Bocado, K. N. (2024). POV: Working in Admissions During the Ruling on Affirmative Action. The Vermont Connection

My J0urney

I am diagnosed as high-functioning autistic, with ADHD, BPD, OCD, and C-PTSD. I was in therapy since high school, utilizing free sessions during undergrad and grad school but mostly having to pay thousands out of pocket for little progress. I was hospitalized a couple of times and did inpatient treatment twice. I went through many modes of therapy (CBT, DBT, EMDR, ERP), before I met my life coach, Cherie. She went beyond clinical diagnoses and treating just the past and symptoms. She had me reflect on my lived experiences, determine my values, set goals and deadlines, and held me accountable with homework, tasks, and check-ins.

Why I d0 what I d0

Going through this journey has inspired me to serve others and give back by providing solutions to their problems as well as advising and guidance. I believe in the benefits of therapy and if needed, medication, with the supplementation of life coaching, which is what I provide to others. As someone who is a higher education practitioner and activist, I recognize the importance of honoring the whole self and encouraging others to show up authentically and holistically. I have been honored to receive feedback from folks I have coached ranging from those in the queer/trans communities to those that identity as APIDA to activists and community organizers and students and families. I do what I do because I want to empower you through coaching, providing the clarity you need to make profound life changes and go through radical transformation whether that be in your education, career, or life.