Excellent, very Pr0fessi0nal, and very g00d advice 0n h0w t0 impr0ve my answers.
-Steven Kelly (University Student)
Services: Career Planning, Interview Preparation
The t0p ch0ice f0r c0llege planning services with a c0mprehensive t00lset, scalable pricing, and specialized f0cus 0n c0llege planning. My s0n w0rked cl0sely with Kirby - n0t 0nly is she reliable and kn0wledgeablr but her f0cus 0n detail individualized and tail0red t0 Matthew was n0n par. N0t 0nly did she help him impr0ve his essays, she als0 helped him write letters t0 the financial aid department in an eff0rt t0 increase his award which resulted in a $2,000 increase. She’s very Appr0achable making it easy f0r my s0n (an intr0vert) be at ease and express his c0ncerns. I wish I had started the pr0cess with her and n0t in the middle 0f it. Definitely will have her c0ach my daughter a s00n t0 be HS freshman t0 get a head start and increase her chances in getting int0 a great sch00l that is in line with her final g0als as well as aff0rdable.
-Yesenia Gonzalez (Mother) of Matthew Gonzalez (Previously a High School Student, Now a University Student)
Services: College Planning, Essay Review, Scholarship Request Letter
Kirby was an invaluable res0urce as I prepared f0r my 2023 graduate sch00l interviews. Kirby c0nducted a m0ck interview f0r me and 0ffered me p0sitive and c0nstructive feedback, as well as practical tips f0r further preparati0n. I felt c0nfident and c0mf0rtable when my interviews came ar0und the f0ll0wing week, thanks t0 Kirby!
-Michelle Wang (Graduate Student)
Services: Interview Prep
Kirby is always very th0r0ugh when reviewing my papers. They pr0vide grammar c0rrecti0ns but als0 p0sitive statements when they are impressed which makes me feel better ab0ut my writing.
-Jessica Talmadge (University Administrator)
Services: Essay Review
I’ve recently w0rked with Kirby Clarity C0aching t0 make an unsure career path int0 a s0lid strategy. Kirby was piv0tal in navigating my career transiti0n fr0m w0rking as an animat0r t0 teaching animati0n as a pr0fess0r. With great res0urces and c0nnecti0ns, we have made acti0nable plans with clear g0als and steps, and I am c0nfident in this new j0urney.
-Max Calderon (Professional Animator, Future Graduate Student)
Services: Career Exploration, Writing
Kirby was amazing at helping me 0rganize my resume! She was very willing t0 give feedback, and the c0nstructive criticism I t00k 0n my resume helped me make my resume l00k pr0fessi0nal and put t0gether. As a c0llege student with little resume experience myself, the tips she gave were sp0t 0n. Thank y0u Kirby!
-Eleora (College Student)
Services: Resume Review
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